As we discussed yesterday, Prince Charles is the subject of a new “unauthorized” biography. I really think Charles agreed to parts of the book, likely in an effort to frame certain issues, scandals and controversies a certain way, but since excerpts began to be released this weekend, Charles and Buckingham Palace are closing ranks and claiming that the biography is utterly unauthorized. So, with that controversy brewing, how funny is it that Richard Kay at the Daily Mail did an exclusive, Charles-friendly propaganda piece? Read More...
There has always been a lot of buzz around the extravagant purchases billionaires make and Jeff Bezos is no exception, especially when rumors arise that he purchased a yacht.
No, Jeff Bezos does not own a yacht. There have been multiple rumors over the years that Bezos has purchased a yacht, but none of those rumors have been confirmed. After purchasing a $65 million private jet and a $165 million house, it wouldn’t be out of the question for the Amazon CEO to purchase a yacht. Read More...
Crosswords with Friends January 14 2023 Doll or Hot Wheels car for example General knowledge plays a crucial role in solving crosswords, especially the Doll or Hot Wheels car for example crossword clue which has appeared on January 14 2023 Crosswords with Friends puzzle. The answer we have shared for Doll or Hot Wheels car for example has a total of 3 letters but also has other possible answers listed below the main one. Read More...